Flight Training

Credence Aviation

More than flight training

Our program is designed to meet your individual needs whether your aim is to join the airlines, serve our country as a military pilot, fly for fun, or just need a better travel option. We aim to equip our pilots with a high level of experience and proficiency. Our Private Pilot training is conducted under Part 61 of the Federal Aviation Regulations.

instrument rating

An Instrument Rating is an absolute must for the pilot who wants to be the safest they possibly can be. Our highly qualified CFII’s are dedicated to equipping you for the exciting and demanding task of navigating the sky in the most challenging meteorological conditions.

Commercial pilot

Start your Commercial Pilot training today. There has never been a better time to be among the ranks of pilots able to call themselves a professional.

Additional Services
Stay Current
  • Flight Review
  • Instrument Currency
  • IPC
  • Complex
  • High Performance
  • TAA
Unmanned Aircraft Systems

FAA Knowledge exam training, IACRA for your Remote Pilot Certificate


Have more questions?

The best place to start is with a discovery flight. If you are interested in aviation call and schedule your discovery flight. Once you’ve experienced flying, we can help you set and achieve your goals. This is also a great time for us to answer any questions you have.

A discovery flight is an opportunity for you (or a friend/family member) to come fly for the first time. We will teach you the basic controls and let you fly with a flight instructor.

Obtaining a private pilot certificate averages about six months. There are many factors that can affect this time frame though and it often depends on the individual.

Please call to discuss flight training for advanced certificates and ratings.

Most pilots will tell you that this can vary based on choices made during your training, individual considerations and other factors. On average, one can expect to spend around ten to fifteen thousand dollars for the private pilot certificate. Financing options are available through several sources. 

CFR, Title 14 has the federal regulations governing aeronautics and space. Title 14 contains the Federal Aviation Regulations, or FARs, which regulate all aviation activities in the United States.

The FARs comprises parts, or sections, each regulating a certain aspect of aviation. These include aircraft design, maintenance procedures, and pilot training.

Part 61 deals with the certification of pilots, and both flight and ground instructors. It establishes eligibility, aeronautical knowledge, and minimum flight time requirements to obtain various pilot certifications and ratings.

Part 141 regulates pilot school certificates, along with pilot certification requirements for schools operating under this part.

The FAA allows pilot schools to operate either under Part 61 or Part 141. Although offering the same quality of training, the two parts differ significantly in their style of flight instruction.

Our training is conducted under Part 61 of the Federal Aviation Regulations. This allows us to customize a training program that fits into your schedule and allows us to meet your individual needs.


To offer unparalleled, highly personalized training, and prepare our pilots with real world experience.


Pilot training focused on the pilot, not just the test.
